Wednesday, August 1, 2018

食谱 - (无面粉版) 流浆芝士蛋糕

cream cheese 120g
炼乳 2tbs
鸡蛋 3粒
杏仁粉 1tbs
粗燕麦片 1tbs
无糖可可粉 2tbs

1. cream cheese 和炼乳,一起搅匀,然后加入鸡蛋,打直顺滑。
2. 分出一半的面糊,加入杏仁粉、粗燕麦片、可可粉,拌均。
3. 先将可可面糊,倒入模具里,再倒入另外一半的面糊。
4. 烘焙150度,40分钟之后,熄炉,在里面焖个40分钟。出炉,冷却后,入冰箱冷藏。

* 底部的巧克力层,属于比较硬性,上层蛋糕外部比较中软性,上层蛋糕中部属于流浆,这个蛋糕有着层次不同的味觉感受,好好吃。

 1. cream cheese 和炼乳,一起搅匀。



2. 分出一半的面糊,加入杏仁粉、粗燕麦片、可可粉,拌均。

3. 先将可可面糊,倒入模具里,再倒入另外一半的面糊。

 4. 烘焙150度,40分钟之后,熄炉,在里面焖个40分钟。



Friday, July 27, 2018

27.7.2018 久违的榴莲


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Ads - Sexy Bodystocking lingerie underwear @ happy chilli

ADS time:~

Happy Chilli is the 100% authentic store at United Kingdom. 

Welcome to the Happy Chilli

We temporarily selling sexy stocking body lingerie underwear, more will coming soon, stay tune.

Our product is high quality, sexy, elegant.... all in Happy Chilli.
Live the Dream, successful your dream in Happy Chilli.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Ads - Sexy Bodystocking lingerie Dress or underwear @ happy chilli

ADS time:~

Happy Chilli is the 100% authentic store at United Kingdom. 

Welcome to the Happy Chilli

We temporarily selling sexy stocking body lingerie underwear, more will coming soon, stay tune.

Our product is high quality, sexy, elegant.... all in Happy Chilli.
Live the Dream, successful your dream in Happy Chilli.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Ads - Sexy Bodystocking lingerie Dress or underwear @ happy chilli

ADS time:~

Happy Chilli is the 100% authentic store at United Kingdom. 

Welcome to the Happy Chilli

We temporarily selling sexy stocking body lingerie underwear, more will coming soon, stay tune.

Our product is high quality, sexy, elegant.... all in Happy Chilli.
Live the Dream, successful your dream in Happy Chilli.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Ads - Sexy Bodystocking lingerie Dress or underwear @ happy chilli

ADS time:~

Happy Chilli is the 100% authentic store at United Kingdom. 

Welcome to the Happy Chilli

We temporarily selling sexy stocking body lingerie underwear, more will coming soon, stay tune.

Our product is high quality, sexy, elegant.... all in Happy Chilli.
Live the Dream, successful your dream in Happy Chilli.

Any query, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Happy Chilli contact no.: 44-7466889694

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Ads - Sexy Bodystocking lingerie Dress or underwear @ happy chilli

ADS time:~

Happy Chilli is the 100% authentic store at United Kingdom. 

Welcome to the Happy Chilli

We temporarily selling sexy stocking body lingerie underwear, more will coming soon, stay tune.

Our product is high quality, sexy, elegant.... all in Happy Chilli.
Live the Dream, successful your dream in Happy Chilli.

Any query, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Happy Chilli contact no.: 44-7466889694

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

食谱 - 妈妈的古早味焢肉


五花肉 RM10 (RM15老板算我10)
蒜头 2大球
葱头 5粒
黄糖 1-1/2大匙
八角 2小瓣
五香粉 1/2茶匙
海盐 少许
酱油 适量
黑酱油 适量
蚝油 适量
胡椒粉 少许

1. 五花肉清洗干净切块。葱头切碎。蒜头清洗干净,留着蒜皮,蒜根,一起煮。蒜头拿一瓣切碎。
2. 五花肉,放入锅内煸至金黄色。加入葱头、黄糖,煎香。
3. 倒入酱油、黑酱油、蚝油,炒香。
4. 加入五香粉、胡椒粉,翻炒。
5. 加入八角、所有的蒜头,一起炒香。
6. 加入掩盖过食材的水,烧滚。
7. 倒入压力锅,煮50分钟。
8. 取出倒入小锅收汁。



食谱 - 鸡蛋面包蛋糕

鸡蛋 4粒
普通面粉 1cup
小麦胚芽 1tbs
杏仁粉 1tbs
燕麦片 4tbs
海盐 1/4tsp
炼乳 1/2tbs
干酵母 1/2tsp
开水 1tbs
葡萄干 1tbs
南瓜子 1tbs
初榨橄榄油 1/2tbs

1. 大碗里打入鸡蛋4粒,加入海盐、炼乳,打撒和搅匀。
2. ‎倒入普通面粉、小麦胚芽、燕麦片、开水+即溶酵母,拌均。
3. 加入葡萄干、南瓜子,拌匀。
4. 倒入初榨橄榄油,拌均匀。盖上湿布发酵40分钟。
5. 搅拌一下排气。模具里放好烘焙油纸,将面糊倒入模具。发酵1小时30分钟。
6. 烘焙165度30分钟。拿出放凉于架上即可。

食谱 - 番石榴酸菜


包菜 1粒
韭菜 1把
葱 1把
番石榴 1粒 
白萝卜 1条
蒜头 3瓣

1. 所有菜类洗干净,包菜、葱、辣椒,切碎。白萝卜刷丝。番石榴切粒。
2. 所有器皿都用热水烫过。备用。
3. 烧一锅热水,倒进切碎后的所有食材,烫40秒后,把水倒掉。
4. 加入蒜泥、匈牙利红椒粉、海盐、红糖、益生菌(可以加或不加),搅拌均匀,装瓶,挤压出水,盖好。
5. 放置于室温3到5天,然后再放入冰箱冷藏,7天后,即可食用。